My donation

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Why donate ?

To help Samusocial International is to act against social exclusion in big cities around the world. 89% of our funds are used to program services. Most samusocials in Europe target adults in severe exclusion. In Latin America, samusocials deal with individual exclusion as well as with collective exclusion affecting entire communities. The majority of samusocials operating in Africa target a younger, more fragile, group that of street children.

You can consult report of auditor on our website.

My contact details

* Required Fields (this information is mandatory to issue your tax receipt)

Respect of your privacy

Your name and address are essential so that we can send you your tax receipt. According to the French data processing and protection law (6 January 1978), you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete your own personal data. To exercise this right, please contact : Samu Social International 35 avenue Courteline
 75012 Paris - FRANCE

Email :

My payment

Highly secure payments using 256-bit SSL encryption method, the highest security standard.

This donation platform is provided by our partner iRaiser.
Adding a voluntary contribution to iRaiser on top of your donation means you enable them to cover some of the costs associated with the platform and thus support more organizations like ours.

Credit card

The 3 digit security code is located on the back of your card



Help us in total confidence

This website is 100% secure. When you enter your credit card number, you will do so in a completely secure environment. Datas are transmitted and encryptef via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. Our donor helpdesk is available to answer all your questions. Please do not hestitate to contact us by email: